Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Unimaginable in Connecticut

The media is in a frenzy over the massacre in Connecticut where 26 people, 20 of which were children, were killed by a gunman on December 14, 2012.

But at issue is the families of the 26 victims, specifically the parents of the 20 children.  I can't begin to imagine the pain these people are feeling right now.  Losing anyone loved is tough.  Losing a child has to be much tougher as you assume you will die first, as this is the proper progression of life.  Losing a child a few days before Christmas would be the worst.  As I saw noted on a friend's Facebook page, these parents have Christmas trees with presents under them, for their children that will never have the chance to open them.  What could be worse than this?

I don't understand the ability to take someone's life without cause.  I certainly don't see how you could kill defenseless children in cold blood.  A person who does this is a truly sick person.  What drives a person to do this?

There are people quick to call for the banning of guns when something like this happens.  These people are opportunistic.  Maybe some of these folks truly believes this will prevent these kind of tragedies in the future.  But I ask them how would that work?  Maybe you could get law-abiding people to give up their weapons.  Do you think the criminals will hand theirs over?  (I mean, they are criminals... not too concerned with the rule of law in the first place...)  Even assuming you could take every gun off the street tomorrow, what would prevent more guns from being smuggled in?  (We can't control drugs or illegal aliens from coming across the border.  What would be the difference.)

Over the next few days and weeks, we'll find out what drove this individual to commit this horrendous act.  Odds are there will have been some telling signs, and had they been acted on, this attack could have been prevented.  As a nation, PREVENTION is what we need to focus on.  When we see signs of odd behaviour or obvious mental health issues, we HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.

I'm not a 'god fearing' man.  But most religions offers several important benefits, one being the raising of strong families with good morals.  While we don't need religion to instill these values, we have to bring our nation's focus back to this goal.  While I'm a firm believer in 'looking out for number 1', I don't believe this means you can't also look out for others, and this absolutely doesn't mean you can infringe (or harm) others in your pursuit of betterment.

Let me close by offering my deepest sympathies for all involved, especially the mothers, fathers and siblings of the 20 children.  My thoughts are with you now and always.