Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Lights - Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should

I like a festive light display.  In fact, I aspire to some of the fantastic displays posted on YouTube and ones I've seen on HGTV specials. 

When we lived in New Hampshire, I put together a pretty nice display.  It grew more each year.  When we moved to Selah, I started out small again, but each year it grew.  We then moved again in Selah, and it is taking me awhile to get back in the groove, but again, I'm building some each year.  (Electrical capacity and receptacle location are important and slowing me down...)

But as I drive around, I see some real disasters when it comes to Christmas light displays.

Take a little pride!

First, if you live in the country and people can see your house from all sides, you should be lighting all sides.  Yes, it is more work, but looks so much nicer!  (I have to go all the way around our house for that reason.)

Second, string your lights in such a way that you don't have areas unlit (that should be lit) or a tail of lights a few feet long that are just hanging there (as you reach towards a receptacle).  A little bit of planning can fix these issues and makes the display look so much more professional.  (Versus that LAZY look!)  A couple of tricks I use is to either splice in part of a second line to make the reach, or to remove bulbs if the line is too long.  (Due to built in fuses and the need for a certain amount of resistance in the line, these mods may require some trial and error.)  You can also cover small bulbs with electrical tape, especially the new LED bulbs that don't get hot.

I like LOTS of lights.  But just because you own a 100,000 twinkle lights doesn't mean you should put them all up.  Check out 'Christmas Vacation', a Chevy Chase classic, for how NOT to light your house.  But if you can add lights tastefully, like to outline roof angles, or windows, or fences, or trees, or whatever, then by all means, do it!

Lawn ornaments have become popular in recent years.  Whether it is white lighted reindeer or blow-up Santas, a person needs to be reasonable.  Too much and your yard looks like a junkyard during the day when the lights aren't on.  And keep themes in mind.  Santa shouldn't be sitting next to your Nativity scene.  (And honestly, the blow-up stuff... most is pretty hideous... probably ought to be skipped altogether!)

And for cryin' out loud, don't turn on your lights before Thanksgiving, or leave them on past January 1st.  Let's keep the season reasonable!

P.S.  Weather can dictate when you put your lights up and take them down.  Just because they are up, doesn't mean they should be on.  And don't be one of those guys who leaves them up year around, with lights hanging askew.  (People who know me might call me out on leaving the lights up since I did this past year.  I had extenuating circumstances and it won't happen again!)

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